Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Gilbert & Sullivan pictures

Stephony and Nancy. Stephony was the wardrobe mistress for this production, and she did a great job with about a $2.65 budget. And doesn't Nancy look HOT as she waits backstage to play Phyllis in Iolanthe? She's awesome.

This group is dressed for Gondoliers, so we're supposed to be Italian peasant types. The two with wreaths on their heads are brides.

Don't you love those head-wreaths? Craig and I made them while watching the Sopranos. Watching that show was the only thing that kept him from turning into a woman as he tied ribbons to greenery.

A gaggle of fairies. Sorry that you can't see my skirt. But it made me look fat anyway. That adorable young lady in the front and center (white shirt) is 27 and had triplets 15 months ago. And she just got cast to play Belle in a local production of Beauty and the Beast. She's also got an amazing voice and is a great dancer and is a size 0. Which means that I'd like to hate her but she's so nice! Yikes!
Even though we're prettier, the guys would have hurt feelings if I didn't include a picture of them. So here's a picture of some hot ladies and a few guys, too. I'm standing on a chair. Because Ken is ridiculously tall. The one with curly hair is Stephen Len White.

If more pictures come my way, I'll add them. My camera was safely at home, on a shelf, for all rehearsals and performances. Just like it was for Susie's piano recital yesterday.

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