Monday, December 11, 2006

Weekend redux

The concert was great! We sang quite well and the audience enjoyed it. One piece in particular, a very modern setting of Blake's poem "Little Lamb" was really quite spectacular - and being part of a group in which everyone is singing it right and well and we're all one sound together - it's hard to explain how that qualifies (to me) as a spiritual experience. But it was.

Speaking of spiritual experiences, Dana's memorial service on Saturday was amazing. The service was spot-on. Our minister, who is young and new and everything that would make one a bit nervous as to how he would handle his first memorial service at our church, especially for someone who was such a central member of the congregation, did an incredible job. His eulogy of her was insightful, sensitive, and really captured her essence. The hymns were appropriate; the choir's anthem was a song Dana liked.

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