Thursday, April 26, 2007

What I want to do

This weekend is the first weekend this month that doesn't have tons of ink on each calendar page. Actually, in all fairness, this entire week has been a lot less busy for me than most weeks.

When I was in my twenties, I felt a need to be busy. I wanted to fill my free time. I would volunteer my weekends at the Humane Society or spend hours and hours at the coffee shop with my next door neighbor. I got a weekend job; I went to graduate school. Why? Because I'm naturally an extrovert, and my husband's job had him working most weekends. And I was no good at all at being home by myself. Even after Susie was born, I spent a lot of time getting us out of the house: walking the neighborhood, walking the mall, spending too much time (and money) at Target.

And that? Is so not a problem for me anymore. Maybe it's because I'm almost never alone at the house (or anywhere else, really). There are those two sweet, short people who live there. Oh, and that tall guy who doesn't work weekends anymore. My three favorite people, conveniently located under one roof. Plus, the roof is new and the house is the house I dreamed of and why would I want to leave if I didn't have to?

So, aside from a few commitments that were already made (and are enjoyable), the rest of the weekend is wide open. Maybe we'll go to the Oxford, Mississippi art festival. Or maybe we'll hang out in the house. Maybe I'll plant some flowers and tomatoes. Or maybe we'll finally fix my bike tire and take a family bike ride.

Now that it's written down, I see that we could, quite feasibly, do all those things. And honey, if you're reading this, please note that I'm proposing activities that would not include the wearing of pajamas.

Even though that sounds good, too.


Monika said...

Hey. your blog is very interesting! can we link our blogs? please write back in my blog "everyday glamour" ( theres a shoutbox)but if would be better if you write a comment!
This would be nice!

S said...

That kind of contentment is priceless, no? I'm feeling it lately, too.

I think (at least for me) it's a function of getting older.