Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Not sure what this means

So, this is what I saw when I was making mashed potatoes tonight.

Doesn't it look familiar?

Where should I start the bids on eBay?


Anne said...

How funny! I had always thought that the Venus was plump as a fertility and/or prosperity and plenty symbol. You don't suppose that the sculptor was inspired by a potato...surely not...


Joel Monka said...

The sculpter couldn't have been inspired by a potato, as they are native only to North America.

As to the Ebay auction, you'd get more money if you said it was the Madonna and child, with the Madonna's head on the upper left, and the babe in arms on the right. Were there any miracles involved, like the mashed potatoes becoming smooth without adding milk? That would be worth an extra million!

Suzann said...

hee hee... i think the potato looks more like a back side ;o)

Jen said...

yeah...i see chubby buttocks! haha