Monday, October 23, 2006

It was supposed to be a nice, quiet weekend...

...but it wasn't. Okay, it was nice. But not really quiet. From the moment I got home Friday, with news of the FREE NBA TICKETS I had scored, forcing the realizations that (a) there was no time to cook and eat dinner at home and (b) there was no time to eat dinner in a restaurant and (c) we'd better leave RIGHT NOW if we want to take the trolley, we were moving fast. We walked the 8+ blocks to the nearest trolley stop, braved a VERY CROWDED trolley (I love tourists, really I do), then walked from the trolley line to the state-of-the-art FedEx Forum to see our hometown Grizzlies defeat the Miami Heat. And the kids were on the jumbotron. And we saw some neighbors there. Good times. (Oh, they serve salads at the FedEx Forum. Thank goodness. Hubby just started the diet!) Got home way past the kids' bedtime and everyone crashed.

Did I mention that the FREE tickets I scored were marked at $105 seats? $105 EACH. Like meaning that my family's buns were collectively parked in $420 worth of NBA seats. That's more than my freakin' dining room set cost. Total. People really do a lot of strange things with their money.

My husband got home after his Saturday morning class, informing us that there had been several calls to his cell phone that were meant for Susie, it got crazy. Turns out there was an impromptu birthday party in the making. So what was meant to be a day of leisurely running a couple of errands but mostly hanging around the house turned into a mad dash of an afternoon, cramming in the errands that really did need to be run, then zooming in a different direction to get a present then attend the party.

Did I mention that the party lasted four hours? And that we were tired and wanted to go home? (Yes, the adults.) Note to self: if seven children are bowling, they really should use two lanes, not one. Because kids are slow bowlers. And not very good.

Wait, that's only half the weekend. It gets quieter.

So the adults "recovered" by sleeping late on Sunday, then we all had yummy smoothies for breakfast. Husband took a bike ride while the kids showered and got dressed. After lunch, the kids slipped away to spend the afternoon with nearby friends (nearby = I can drive them to the house in under five minutes and wear my pajamas in the car). My husband and I enjoyed the kid-free afternoon by watching saved-up TIVO'd television episodes and movies. Lovely. Finished the evening with homemade pizza (whole wheat crust and goat cheese, thankyouverymuch), one glass each of red wine (it's healthy!!) and a little more television.

Idyllic, no? I don't know when we'll get to do that again. It was nice.

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